Martin Sulzmann
Our assumptions are:
Concurrent programs making use of acquire and release (mutex operations).
A single program run where events that took place are recorded in some trace.
The literature distinguishes between resource and communication deadlocks.
A resource deadlock arises if
a set of threads are blocked, and
each thread in the set is waiting to acquire a lock held by another thread in the set.
Communication deadlocks arise if threads are blocked due to (missing) channel events such as send and receive.
Here, we only consider resource deadlocks. Whenever we say deadlock we refer to a resource deadlock.
We introduce a well-established deadlock prediction method based on lock graphs. The basic idea is as follows:
Locks are nodes.
There is an edge from lock x to lock y if a thread holds locks x and acquires lock y. This can be calculated based on lock sets.
Check for cycles in the lock graph.
If there is a cycle, we report that there is a potential deadlock.
We will also consider an improved representation based on lock dependencies.
Introduces lock trees. Each thread maintains its own sequence of locking steps. This approach is known under the name the Goodlock approach. Goodlock can only deal with two threads.
Introduces lock graphs, a generalization of lock trees. Lock graphs are capable of checking for deadlocks among three threads and more.
Introduces lock dependencies.
We explain the idea of dynamic deadlock prediction based on lock graphs via several examples. The lock graph construction is as follows.
Locks are nodes.
There is an edge from lock x to lock y if a thread holds locks x and acquires lock y.
Consider the example.
T1 T2
1. acq(y)
2. acq(x)
3. rel(x)
4. rel(y)
5. acq(x)
6. acq(y)
7. rel(y)
8. rel(x)
Based on the above trace, the program runs through without any apparent problem.
For the above trace, we find the following lock graph.
y -> x
x -> y
That is, we may run into a situation where
some thread holds lock y and acquires lock x,
some thread holds lock x and acquires lock y.
This may lead to a deadlock!
Consider the following reordering of the above trace.
T1 T2
1. acq(y)
5. acq(x)
2. B-acq(x)
6. B-acq(y)
We write B-acq
to denote that the acquire is
As we can see, all threads are blocked => deadlock!
Deadlock lock graph criteria:
If there’s a cycle in the lock graph, there’s a potential deadlock.
How precise is the analysis method based on lockgraphs?
Consider the following example where also record the lockset for each thread.
T1 T2 LS_T1 LS_T2
1. acq(y) {y}
2. acq(x) {y,x} yields y -> x
3. rel(x) {y}
4. rel(y) {}
5. acq(x) {x}
6. acq(y) {x,y} yields x -> y
7. rel(y) {x}
8. rel(x) {}
We encounter the same (cyclic) lock graph as we have seen for some earlier example.
y -> x
x -> y
This is a false positives as all events take place in the same thread.
Here is another example.
T1 T2 T1_LS T2_LS
1. acq(z) z
2. acq(y) z,y implies z -> y
3. acq(x) z,y,x implies y -> x z -> x
4. rel(x) z,y
5. rel(y) z
6. rel(z)
7. acq(z) z
8. acq(x) z,x implies z -> x
9. acq(y) z,x,y implies x -> y z -> y
10. rel(y) z,x
11. rel(x) z
12. rel(z)
In summary, we obtain the following lock graph.
z -> y
y -> x
z -> x
z -> x
x -> y
z -> y
from which we can derive the following cycle
y -> x
x -> y
This is again a false positive because of the common guard lock z.
Instead of a lock graph we compute lock dependencies on a per thread basis. Lock dependencies D = (id, l, ls) are constructed if thread id acquires lock l while holding locks ls. Thus, we can eliminate same of the false positives that arise using lock graphs (but not all).
We compute lock dependencies by processing each event in the trace (in the order events are recorded).
We maintain the following state variables.
The set of locks hold by thread t at a certain time.
The set of lock dependencies.
For each event we call its processing function.
acq(t,y) {
Ds = Ds cup { (t,y,ls(t)) } if ls(t) != emptyset
ls(t) = ls(t) cup {y}
rel(t,y) {
ls(t) = ls(t) - {y}
fork(t1,t2) {
join(t1,t2) {
write(t,x) {
read(t,x) {
In the above, we write cup
to denote set union
For sets S1 and S2 we write S1 - S2 to denote the set that contains all
elements in S1 that are not in S2.
We write D = (id, l, ls)
to refer to some lock
dependency in thread id
where lock l
acquired while holding locks
A deadlock (warning) is issued if there is a cyclic lock dependency
chain D_1, ..., D_n
where each D_i
from a distinct thread and the following conditions are met:
(LD-1) ls_i cap ls_j = {}
for i != j
(LD-2) l_i \in ls_i+1
for i=1,...,n-1
(LD-3) l_n \in ls_1
stands for set intersection.
S1 cap S2 = { x | x in S1 and x in S2 }
results from thread i
Traces are annotated with lock dependencies (generated via the “lock dependency” implementation in the appendix).
T0 T1 LockDep
e1. fork(T1)
e2. acq(L1)
e3. acq(L2) (T0,L2,{L1})
e4. rel(L2)
e5. rel(L1)
e6. acq(L2)
e7. acq(L1) (T1,L1,{L2})
e8. rel(L1)
e9. rel(L2)
(T0,L2,{L1}), (T1,L1,{L2})
are in a cyclic lock
dependency chain.
LD-1: {L1} cap {L2} = {}
LD-2: L2 in {L2}
LD-3: L1 in {L1}
Indeed, there is a deadlock as shown by the following reordering.
T0 T1 LockDep
e1. fork(T1)
e2. acq(L1)
e6. acq(L2)
We cannot extend the trace further because any of the next possible events that will follow are "blocked".
Recall that B-acq(L2) indicates that the acquire operation on L2 blocks.
e7. B-acq(L1)
e3. B-acq(L2)
By “blocked” we mean that by adding events e7 and e3 this will lead to an invalid trace (because lock semantics is violated here).
T0 T1 LockDep
e1. fork(T1)
e2. acq(L1)
e3. rel(L1)
e4. acq(L1)
e5. acq(L2) (T0,L2,{L1})
e6. rel(L2)
e7. rel(L1)
e8. acq(L2)
e9. acq(L1) (T0,L1,{L2})
e10. rel(L1)
e11. rel(L2)
and (T0,L1,{L2})
are not in a
cyclic lock dependency chain because they result from the same
T0 T1 LockDep
e1. fork(T1)
e2. acq(L3)
e3. acq(L1) (T0,L1,{L3})
e4. acq(L2) (T0,L2,{L1,L3})
e5. rel(L2)
e6. rel(L1)
e7. rel(L3)
e8. acq(L3)
e9. acq(L2) (T1,L2,{L3})
e10. acq(L1) (T1,L1,{L3,L2})
e11. rel(L1)
e12. rel(L2)
e13. rel(L3)
In summary, we find the following lock dependencies.
D1 = (T0,L1,{L3})
D2 = (T0,L2,{L1,L3})
D3 = (T1,L2,{L3})
D4 = (T1,L1,{L3,L2})
No deadlock warning is issued.
For example, D2 and D3 are not in a cyclic lock dependency chain due
to the common guard lock L3
Lock dependencies improve over lock graphs but still suffer from false positives and false negatives.
Consider the following example.
T0 T1 LockDep
e1. fork(T1)
e2. acq(L1)
e3. acq(L2) (T0,L2,{L1})
e4. rel(L2)
e5. rel(L1)
e6. acq(L3)
e7. wr(V1)
e8. rel(L3)
e9. acq(L3)
e10. rd(V1)
e11. rel(L3)
e12. acq(L2)
e13. acq(L1) (T1,L1,{L2})
e14. rel(L1)
e15. rel(L2)
We encounter the following lock dependencies.
D1 = (T0,L2,{L1})
D2 = (T1,L1,{L2})
We issue a deadlock warning because D1, D2 form a cyclic lock dependency chain.
This is false positive! Due to the write-read dependency, events in thread T1 must happen before the events in thread T2. Hence, it is impossible to find a reordering that results in a deadlock.
Consider the following failed attempt.
T0 T1 LockDep
e1. fork(T1)
e2. acq(L1)
e9. acq(L3)
e10. rd(V1)
e11. rel(L3)
e12. acq(L2)
The above reordering is not valid. The read event e10 is missing its “last write”.
Consider the following example.
T0 T1 T2 LockDep
e1. fork(T2)
e2. acq(L1)
e3. fork(T1)
e4. acq(L2)
e5. rel(L2)
e6. join(T1)
e7. rel(L1)
e8. acq(L2)
e9. acq(L1) (T2,L1,{L2})
e10. rel(L1)
e11. rel(L2)
We compute the following dependency.
D1 = (T2,L1,{L2})
As there is only a single lock dependency, no deadlock warning is isused.
However, we run into a deadlock situation as shown by the following reordering.
T0 T1 T2
e1. fork(T2)
e2. acq(L1)
e3. fork(T1)
e8. acq(L2)
The events below are the "next" possible events to consider.
None of the events can be added to the trace cause this leads then to an invalid trace.
For example, events e4 and e9 violate lock semantics, event e6 violates the condition
that thread T1 is not fully completed.
As before, we write B-join(T1), B-acq(L2) and B-acq(L1) to indicate that these events
are "blocked" and cannot be added to the trace.
e9. B-acq(L1)
e4. B-acq(L2)
e6. B-join(T1)
The above is an example of a cross-thread critical section that includes several events due to the fork/join dependency. However, the computation of lock dependencies is agnostic to cross-thread critical sections. This may lead to false negatives as shown above.
So far, we assumed that a thread that acquires lock x must also release x. This assumption holds for Java and C++. However, Go-style mutexes behave differently as they act more like semaphores. In Go, the acquire and release of a lock is not tied to a single thread.
Consider the following example.
T1 T2 T3
1. acq(x)
2. rel(x)
3. acq(y)
4. rel(y)
Thread T1 acquires lock x but this lock is released by thread T2. A similar observation applies to lock y and threads T2 and T3.
Go-style mutexes pose new challenges for lockgraph based deadlock prediction.
Consider the following example.
T1 T2 T3
1. acq(y)
2. acq(x)
3. rel(y)
4. rel(x)
5. acq(x)
6. acq(y)
7. rel(y)
8. rel(x)
If we apply the lockgraph method we find the following graph
y -> x
x -> y
There is a cyclic dependency and therefore we issue a deadlock warning. This is a false positive as there is no valid reordering under which threads T1 and T3 remain stuck.
For example, consider the following reordering.
T1 T2 T3
1. acq(y)
5. acq(x)
At this point we are not stuck, because thread T2 can continue
3. rel(y)
and therefore thread T3 continues
6. acq(y)
and so on.
Similar arguments apply to the other reorderings.
We conclude:
Go-style mutexes behave like semaphores
Deadlock prediction based on lockgraph results then in further false positives
Lock graph based deadlock detector. Not much is known about what has been implemented. Certainly a fairly naive implementation.
void foo() {
void bar() {
int main() {
TSan reports a deadlock but this is a clear false positive.
Dynamic deadlock prediction based on lock graphs.
Improved representation based on lock dependencies.
False positives and false negatives remain an issue.
False positive means that there exists a cyclic lock dependency chain but there is no valid reordering that results in a deadlock.
False negative means that there is a reordering that results in a deadlock but there is no cyclic lock dependency chain.
Go-style mutexes pose further challenges (false positives).
On-going research to reduce the amount of false positives and false negatives.
Lock dependencies
package main
// Deadlock detection based on lock dependencies
import "fmt"
import "strconv"
import "strings"
// Example traces.
// Traces are assumed to be well-formed.
// For example, if we fork(ti) we assume that thread ti exists.
// Standard example
func trace_1() []Event {
t0 := mainThread()
t1 := nextThread(t0)
x := 1
y := 2
return []Event{
fork(t0, t1),
acq(t0, x),
acq(t0, y),
rel(t0, y),
rel(t0, x),
acq(t1, y),
acq(t1, x),
rel(t1, x),
rel(t1, y)}
// Same Thread
func trace_2() []Event {
t0 := mainThread()
t1 := nextThread(t0)
x := 1
y := 2
return []Event{
fork(t0, t1),
acq(t1, x),
rel(t1, x),
acq(t0, x),
acq(t0, y),
rel(t0, y),
rel(t0, x),
acq(t0, y),
acq(t0, x),
rel(t0, x),
rel(t0, y)}
// Guard lock
func trace_3() []Event {
t0 := mainThread()
t1 := nextThread(t0)
x := 1
y := 2
z := 3
return []Event{
fork(t0, t1),
acq(t0, z),
acq(t0, x),
acq(t0, y),
rel(t0, y),
rel(t0, x),
rel(t0, z),
acq(t1, z),
acq(t1, y),
acq(t1, x),
rel(t1, x),
rel(t1, y),
rel(t1, z)}
// False positive due to write-read dependency
func trace_4() []Event {
t0 := mainThread()
t1 := nextThread(t0)
x := 1
y := 2
z := 3
a := 1
return []Event{
fork(t0, t1),
acq(t0, x),
acq(t0, y),
rel(t0, y),
rel(t0, x),
acq(t0, z),
wr(t0, a),
rel(t0, z),
acq(t1, z),
rd(t1, a),
rel(t1, z),
acq(t1, y),
acq(t1, x),
rel(t1, x),
rel(t1, y)}
func trace_5() []Event {
t0 := mainThread()
t1 := nextThread(t0)
t2 := nextThread(t1)
x := 1
y := 2
return []Event{
fork(t0, t2),
acq(t0, x),
fork(t0, t1),
acq(t1, y),
rel(t1, y),
join(t0, t1),
rel(t0, x),
acq(t2, y),
acq(t2, x),
rel(t2, x),
rel(t2, y)}
func main() {
// Helpers
func max(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return y
return x
func debug(s string) {
fmt.Printf("%s", s)
// Events
type EvtKind int
const (
AcquireEvt EvtKind = 0
ReleaseEvt EvtKind = 1
WriteEvt EvtKind = 2
ReadEvt EvtKind = 3
ForkEvt EvtKind = 4
JoinEvt EvtKind = 5
type Event struct {
k_ EvtKind
id_ int
a_ int
func (e Event) thread() int { return e.id_ }
func (e Event) kind() EvtKind { return e.k_ }
func (e Event) arg() int { return e.a_ }
// Some convenience functions.
func rd(i int, a int) Event {
return Event{ReadEvt, i, a}
func wr(i int, a int) Event {
return Event{WriteEvt, i, a}
func acq(i int, a int) Event {
return Event{AcquireEvt, i, a}
func rel(i int, a int) Event {
return Event{ReleaseEvt, i, a}
func fork(i int, a int) Event {
return Event{ForkEvt, i, a}
func join(i int, a int) Event {
return Event{JoinEvt, i, a}
// Trace assumptions.
// Initial thread starts with 0. Threads have ids in ascending order.
func trace_info(es []Event) (int, map[int]bool, map[int]bool) {
max_tid := 0
vars := map[int]bool{}
locks := map[int]bool{}
for _, e := range es {
max_tid = max(max_tid, e.thread())
if e.kind() == WriteEvt || e.kind() == ReadEvt {
vars[e.arg()] = true
if e.kind() == AcquireEvt { // For each rel(x) there must exists some acq(x)
locks[e.arg()] = true
return max_tid, vars, locks
func mainThread() int { return 0 }
func nextThread(i int) int { return i + 1 }
const (
// Omit thread + loc info.
func displayEvtSimple(e Event) string {
var s string
arg := strconv.Itoa(e.arg())
switch {
case e.kind() == AcquireEvt:
s = "acq(L" + arg + ")" // L(ock)
case e.kind() == ReleaseEvt:
s = "rel(L" + arg + ")"
case e.kind() == WriteEvt:
s = "wr(V" + arg + ")" // V(ar)
case e.kind() == ReadEvt:
s = "rd(V" + arg + ")"
case e.kind() == ForkEvt:
s = "fork(T" + arg + ")" // T(hread)
case e.kind() == JoinEvt:
s = "join(T" + arg + ")"
return s
func colOffset(i int, row_offset int) string {
n := (int)(i)
return strings.Repeat(" ", n*row_offset)
// Thread ids fully cover [0..n]
func displayTraceWithLockDep(m int, es []Event, evt_ld map[int]LockDep, row_offset int) string {
s := ""
for i, e := range es {
ld_info := " "
trace_position := i + 1 // trace position starts with 1
_, ok := evt_ld[trace_position]
if ok {
ld_info += evt_ld[trace_position].display()
row := "\n" + "e" + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ". " + colOffset(e.thread(), row_offset) + displayEvtSimple(e) + colOffset(m-e.thread(), row_offset) + ld_info
s = s + row
// Add column headings.
heading := " "
for i := 0; i <= m; i++ {
heading += "T" + strconv.Itoa(i) + strings.Repeat(" ", row_offset-2)
heading += "LockDep"
s = heading + s
return s
// Lock sets + lock depenencies
type LS map[int]bool
type LockDep struct {
thread_id int
lock int
ls LS
func (ls LS) empty() bool {
return len(ls) == 0
func (ls LS) add(x int) {
ls[x] = true
func (ls LS) remove(x int) {
delete(ls, x)
func (ls LS) display() string {
var s string
i := len(ls)
s = "{"
for lock, _ := range ls {
if i > 1 {
s = s + "L" + strconv.Itoa(lock) + ","
if i == 1 {
s = s + "L" + strconv.Itoa(lock)
return s + "}"
func (ld LockDep) display() string {
var s string
s = "(T" + strconv.Itoa(ld.thread_id) + ",L" + strconv.Itoa(ld.lock) + "," + + ")"
return s
func copyLS(ls LS) LS {
new := make(map[int]bool)
for lock, _ := range ls {
new[lock] = true
return new
type State struct {
th_lockset map[int]LS // key = thread id
evt_lock_dep map[int]LockDep // key = trace position
trace_position int
func run(es []Event) {
var s State
s.th_lockset = make(map[int]LS)
s.evt_lock_dep = make(map[int]LockDep)
s.trace_position = 1
max_tid := 0
for _, e := range es {
max_tid = max(max_tid, e.thread())
for i := 0; i <= max_tid; i++ {
s.th_lockset[i] = make(map[int]bool)
exec := func(e Event) {
switch {
case e.kind() == AcquireEvt:
case e.kind() == ReleaseEvt:
case e.kind() == ForkEvt:
case e.kind() == JoinEvt:
case e.kind() == WriteEvt:
case e.kind() == ReadEvt:
for _, e := range es {
s.trace_position = s.trace_position + 1
fmt.Printf("\n%s\n", displayTraceWithLockDep(max_tid, es, s.evt_lock_dep, 12))
func (s *State) acquire(e Event) {
t := e.thread()
y := e.arg()
if !s.th_lockset[t].empty() {
ld := LockDep{t, y, copyLS(s.th_lockset[t])}
s.evt_lock_dep[s.trace_position] = ld
func (s *State) release(e Event) {
t := e.thread()
y := e.arg()
func (s *State) fork(e Event) {
func (s *State) join(e Event) {
func (s *State) write(e Event) {
func (s *State) read(e Event) {
Here comes a simple implementation for dynamic deadlock prediction based on lock graphs.
We consider “standard” mutex operations where we assume the thread that acquires a lock also must release the lock.
package main
import "fmt"
import "time"
// Set of integers.
// We use map[int]bool to emulate sets of integers.
// The default value for bool is true.
// Hence, if the (integer) key doesn't exist, we obtain false = element not part of the set.
// In case of add and remove, we use pointers to emulate call-by-reference.
type Set map[int]bool
func mkSet() Set {
return make(map[int]bool)
func empty(set Set) bool {
return len(set) == 0
func elem(set Set, n int) bool {
return set[n]
func add(set Set, n int) Set {
s := set
s[n] = true
return s
// union(a,b) ==> c,true
// if there's some element in b that is not an element in a
// union(a,b) ==> c,false
// if all elements in b are elements in a
func union(a Set, b Set) (Set, bool) {
r := true
for x, _ := range b {
if !elem(a, x) {
r = false
a = add(a, x)
return a, r
func remove(set Set, n int) Set {
s := set
s[n] = false
return s
// Mutex
type Mutex chan int
func newMutex() Mutex {
var ch = make(chan int, 1)
return ch
func lock(m Mutex) {
m <- 1
func unlock(m Mutex) {
// User interface
type M interface {
acquire(tid int, n int)
release(tid int, n int)
check() bool
// Each mutex is identified via a natural number starting with 0.
// We support MAX_MUTEX number of mutexes.
const MAX_MUTEX = 3
// Each thread is identified via natural number starting with 0.
// We support MAX_TID number of threads.
const MAX_TID = 4
// We represent the lock graph via an adjacency matrix.
// Edge x --> y is represented via edge[x][y] = true.
// Thread i adds the edge x --> y if
// thread i holds the lock x while acquiring the lock y.
type LG struct {
lockset [MAX_TID]Set
mutex [MAX_MUTEX]Mutex
g Mutex
// We use pointer receivers as we update some of the internal structs.
// Interface M is implemented by *LG.
func (m *LG) init() {
for i := 0; i < MAX_TID; i++ {
m.lockset[i] = mkSet()
for i := 0; i < MAX_MUTEX; i++ {
for j := 0; j < MAX_MUTEX; j++ {
m.edge[i][j] = false
for i := 0; i < MAX_MUTEX; i++ {
m.mutex[i] = newMutex()
m.g = newMutex()
func (m *LG) info() {
fmt.Printf("\n *** INFO ***")
for i := 0; i < MAX_TID; i++ {
fmt.Printf("\n Thread %d holds the following locks:", i)
for j := 0; j < MAX_MUTEX; j++ {
if elem(m.lockset[i], j) {
fmt.Printf(" %d", j)
fmt.Printf("\n Lock graph:")
for i := 0; i < MAX_MUTEX; i++ {
for j := 0; j < MAX_MUTEX; j++ {
if m.edge[i][j] {
fmt.Printf("\n %d --> %d", i, j)
// 1. Acquire the actual lock.
// 2. Update the lock graph.
// 3. Update the lockset.
// Optimization note:
// There's no need to iterate over all the elements in the lockset.
// It's sufficient to add an edge x -> n where
// x is the 'most recent' lock added.
/// Example:
// Consider the lock graph x -> y, y -> z where
// via the transitive closure we obtain x -> z.
// Hence, there's no need to add the edge x -> z.
func (m *LG) acquire(tid int, n int) {
for i := 0; i < MAX_MUTEX; i++ {
if elem(m.lockset[tid], i) {
m.edge[i][n] = true
m.lockset[tid] = add(m.lockset[tid], n)
// 1. Update the lockset.
// 2. Release the actual lock.
func (m *LG) release(tid int, n int) {
m.lockset[tid] = remove(m.lockset[tid], n)
// Check for cycles in the lock graph.
func (m *LG) check() bool {
directNeighbors := func(m LG, x int) Set {
next := mkSet()
for y := 0; y < MAX_MUTEX; y++ {
if m.edge[x][y] {
next = add(next, y)
return next
// Cycle check for a specific node x by breadth-first traversal.
// 1. Builds the set of all neighbors of neighbors and so on starting
// with a specific node x.
// 2. Check if we encounter/visit x.
checkCycle := func(m LG, x int) bool {
visited := mkSet()
goal := directNeighbors(m, x)
stop := false
for !stop {
new_goal := mkSet()
for y, _ := range goal {
new_goal, _ = union(new_goal, directNeighbors(m, y))
visited, stop = union(visited, goal)
goal = new_goal
if elem(visited, x) {
return true
return false
// Cycle check for each node.
r := false
for x := 0; x < MAX_MUTEX; x++ {
r = r || checkCycle(*m, x)
if r {
fmt.Printf("\n *** cycle => potential deadlock !!! ***")
return r
} // check
// Examples
// Program with a potential deadlock.
func example1(m M) {
// Introduce some short-hands.
x := 0
y := 1
t0 := 0
t1 := 1
// MUST call init at the start!
// If we include the command below, it appears that often
// the deadlock won't be detected.
// Helper
// acq(a);acq(b);rel(b);rel(a)
acqRel2 := func(t int, a int, b int) {
m.acquire(t, a)
m.acquire(t, b)
m.release(t, b)
m.release(t, a)
// T0
go acqRel2(t0, x, y)
// T1
acqRel2(t1, y, x)
// Program with no deadlock
// but our deadlock detector may signal "potential deadlock".
func example2(m M) {
x := 0
y := 1
t0 := 0
t1 := 1
ch := make(chan int)
acqRel2 := func(t int, a int, b int) {
m.acquire(t, a)
m.acquire(t, b)
m.release(t, b)
m.release(t, a)
// T0
go func() {
acqRel2(t0, x, y)
ch <- 1
// T1
acqRel2(t1, y, x)
// Program with a potential deadlock where three threads are involved in.
func example3(m M) {
x := 0
y := 1
z := 2
t0 := 0
t1 := 1
t2 := 2
acqRel2 := func(t int, a int, b int) {
m.acquire(t, a)
m.acquire(t, b)
m.release(t, b)
m.release(t, a)
// T0
go acqRel2(t0, x, y)
// T1
go acqRel2(t1, y, z)
// T2
acqRel2(t2, z, x)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Program with a potential deadlock.
// There are two threads and three locks.
// The deadlock involves only two of the three locks.
func example4(m M) {
x := 0
y := 1
z := 2
t0 := 0
t1 := 1
// T0
go func() {
m.acquire(t0, x)
m.acquire(t0, y)
m.acquire(t0, z)
m.release(t0, z)
m.release(t0, y)
m.release(t0, x)
// T1
m.acquire(t1, z)
m.acquire(t1, x)
m.release(t1, x)
m.release(t1, z)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Program with no deadlock
// but our deadlock detector may signal "potential deadlock".
func example5(m M) {
x := 0
y := 1
z := 2
t0 := 0
t1 := 1
// T0
go func() {
m.acquire(t0, x)
m.acquire(t0, y)
m.acquire(t0, z)
m.release(t0, z)
m.release(t0, y)
m.release(t0, x)
// T1
m.acquire(t1, x)
m.acquire(t1, z)
m.acquire(t1, y)
m.release(t1, y)
m.release(t1, z)
m.release(t1, x)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
func main() {
var lg LG
// example1(&lg)
// example2(&lg)
// example3(&lg)
// example4(&lg)
Require a (global) lock to avoid data races during tracing and checking.
For example,
acquires "writes" to the lockgraph, and
check "reads" from the lockgraph
releases "writes" to the lockset, and
info "reads" from the lockset.
If check and info won't happen concurrently to tracing the program,
we can simplify the instrumentation for acquire and release.
There's no need for lock(m.g) and unlock(m.g) instructions for the following reasons.
Consider acquire for thread tid and lock n.
1. We first acquire its actual lock.
2. Hence, there can't be any concurrent access to m.lockset[tid] and m.edge[i][n].
Consider release for thread tid and lock n.
1. We first update m.lockset[tid] before
2. releasing the actual lock.
Hence, there can't be any concurrent access to m.lockset[tid].
// Further Observations
// -- race for example1 sometimes leads to a stalled program run