Model-Based Specification

Martin Sulzmann


Formal reasoning?

Who cares?

No need. We know how to program. Whatever we need we find via 'google' ...

The need for formal reasoning

"Informatik" = Information + Automation






The problem description says:

The increment function shall increment each value by one.

The specification given to the programmer says:

For each int value, the function shall produce some int value.

The programmer implements.

inc (x int) int {
     return 0

So, verification succeeds but validation fails.


Often phrased as model-based software development.


What is a (formal) model? Comes in all shapes and sizes.

Important We expect that for any model we find a concise semantic description (so we actually know what a specific model means!)


Textual versus graphical models:

Logic-based models:

What about UML?



State-Based Modeling

Finite State Machines (FSM)

We consider a number of examples where FSM are useful for modeling the system's behavior.


Modeling with finite state machines

see black board


Modeling with Mealy/Moore machines (input as well as output).

Application: Generation of test cases.

see black board

Zustandsbasierte Modellierung

#include "stdio.h"


1. Woerter in einem String zaehlen.

Was ist ein Wort?
Wir definieren ein Wort als eine Sequenz von
Zeichen welche nicht getrennt ist durch Leerzeichen.

2. Zustands-basierte Modellierung.

Wir definieren unser Alphabet als die Menge

Sigma = { CH, EOS, WS }


EOS = Nullterminator

WS = Leerzeichen ('white space')

CH = Zeichen ('character')

Die Menge von Zustaenden und Transitionen ist wie folgt.

1 -- WS --> 1

1 -- EOS --> 2

1 -- CH --> 3

3 -- WS --> 1

3 -- CH --> 3

3 -- EOS --> 2

Menge von Zustaenden ist {1,2,3}

1 ist der Startzustand

3 ist der Finalzustand

Obiger Automat ist ein Beipsiel eines endlichen Automaten.

3. Zaehlen von Woertern.

Um die Woerten zu zaehlen, benoetigen wir neben einer Eingabe (Zeichen WS, CH, EOS)
auch eine Ausgabe (Anzahl der gefunden Woerter).

Dazu koennen wir einen Mealy/Moore Automaten verwenden.
Z.B. im Fall eines Mealy Automaten koennen wir auf die Transition eine Ausgabe legen.


Wir schreiben

state1 -- In / Out --> state2

Fuer einen Uebergang von Zustand state1 nach Zustand state2,
falls das aktuelle Eingabesymbol In ist.
Als Ausgabe finden wir Out.
Ein Mealy Automate liefert einen Trace von Ausgabesymbolen.
Wir benutzen zur Vereinfachung eine Zustandsvariable.

-- / cnt=0 --> 1

1 -- WS --> 1

1 -- EOS --> 2

1 -- CH / cnt++ --> 3

3 -- WS --> 1

3 -- CH --> 3

3 -- EOS --> 2


// Implementierung 1

char* scanWS(char* s) {

  while(*s == ' ') {
  return s;  

int isCH(char c) {
  return (c != ' ' && c != '\0');

char* scanCH(char* s) {

  while(isCH(*s)) {
  return s;

int countWords(char* s) {
  int cnt = 0;

  s = scanWS(s);

  while(isCH(*s)) {
    s = scanCH(s);
    s = scanWS(s);
  return cnt;

// Implementierung 2
// Direkte Umsetzung des Modells.

int countWordsModell(char* s) {
  int state = 1;
  int cnt = 0;

  while(1) {
    switch(state) {
    case 1:
       if(*s == ' ')
     state = 1;
       if(*s == '\0')
     state = 2;
       if(isCH(*s)) {
     state = 3;
    case 2:
      return cnt;              
    case 3:
       if(*s == ' ')
     state = 1;
       if(*s == '\0')
     state = 2;
     state = 3;

    } // switch

   s++; // next symbol

  } // while

int main() {

  // Write your own tests and use cases :)
  return 1;

Communicating Finite State Machines (CFSM)

Communication among FSM. How?

Transitions with input and output actions.

Synchronization via hand-shake.


Let C be a finite alphabet of channel names.
For each x in C, we refer to x! as an output action over channel x and
to x? as an input action over channel x.

Let S be a finite set of states. We generally use symbols p,q to refer to states.

We define a CFSM = (M_1, ..., M_n) as an n-tuple of finite state machines M_i.

Each finite state machine M consists of 

(1) a finite set of states S where there is a designated starting state,
    written M.init, and

(2) a finite set of transitions of the following three forms

      p ----> q     

      p -x!-> q

      p -x?-> q

where x in C and p,q in S.

We refer to the first kind as an "epsilon" transition
and to the second and third kind, as output and input
transitions respectively

Let p_i be a state of the FSM M_i.
We refer to (p_1, ..., p_n) as a (state) configuration of the CFSM.
We refer to (M_1.init, ..., M_n.init) as the initial configuration of the CFSM.

Execution proceeds by rewriting configurations which boils
down to executing transitions of the individual FSM.
Epsilon transitions can be executed spontaneously whereas
input and output transititions require synchronization.

  (p_1, ..., p_i, ..., p_n) ----->   (p_1, ..., q_i, ..., p_n)

          if we find  p_i -----> q_i in M_i

  (p_1, ..., p_i, ..., p_j, ..., p_n) --x-->   (p_1, ..., q_i, ..., q_j, ..., p_n)  

          if either    p_i -x!-> q_i in M_i  and p_j -x?-> q_j in M_j
             or        p_i -x?-> q_i in M_i  and p_j -x!-> q_j in M_j

We refer to a path as a sequence of execution steps starting from the initial configuration.

There may be several (alternative) paths and paths may not be finite (there are no final states).
We can represent all possible execution steps as a tree-like structure where the
root represents the initial configuration.



Go versus CFSM


Temporal specification


Specify the behavior of a system over time.

Timed Computation Tree Logic (TCTL)

Specify the (expected) behavior of a CFSM in terms of the tree-like structure which is obtained by execution of the CFSM.


TCTL ::=   A[] B
      |    A<> B
      |    E[] B
      |    E<> B
      |    B --> B

B ::=  SomeAtomicProposition
  |   B and B
  |   B or B
  |   B imply B
  |   not B
  |   (B)

B makes statements about configurations, for example

   M_1.init and M_2.exit

  M_1 is in the initial state and M_2 ist in the exist state

Informal semantic meaning:

A     for all paths

E     for at least one path

[]    for all configurations

<>    for at least one configuration

Considering the specific cases.

A[]B   For all paths and configurations along each path B holds.

A<>B   For all paths there is at least one configuration for which B holds.

E[]B   There exists a path and along that path,
       for all configurations B holds.

E<>B   There exists a path and along that path,
       for at least one configuration B holds.

Special case:

B1 --> B2   = A[] (B1 imply A<> B2)

      For all paths, if we encounter a configuration for which B1 holds,
      then for all paths which continue from that configuration,
           we must find a configuration where B2 holds.

Safety versus Liveness

Safety = Something bad never happens.

A[] B    Invariant

E[] B   Some "safe" path exists

Liveness = Something good will eventually happen.

A<> B              We eventually reach "B"

B1 --> B2          "B1" eventually leads to "B2"

Algebraic Laws

not A [] B = E <> not B

not A <> B = E [] not B

not E [] B = A <> not B

not E <> B = A [] not B

Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)

Specify the (expected) behavior of a CFSM in terms of the traces which are obtained by execution of the CFSM.


Trace = sequence of synchronization points = channel names.

We write "config" to denote a configuration where config_0
represents the initial configuration.

Consider the path


Then, the trace implied by the above path consists of

   x_1 x_2 ...

Recall that paths are infinite (and so are traces!).

LTL is a form of linear logic which states properties about the traces which are obtained by execution of the CFSM.

L   ::=   x               where x in C
    |   L /\ L
    |   L \/ L
    |   ! L
    |   globally L             
    |   eventually L           
    |   L until L
    |   next L
    |   (L)

LTL infinite trace semantics.

Let w be an infinite sequence of channel names.

We write w^i to denote the trace obtained by dropping the first i channels.
We write w[i] to refer to the i-th position in w.
We start counting with 0.

We write w |= L to denote that L satisfies w.

w |= x            iff   w[0] = x

w |= L1 /\ L2     iff   w |= L1 and w |= L2

w |= L1 \/ L2     iff   w |= L1 or w |= L2

w |= ! L          iff   w |= L does not hold

w |= globally L   iff forall i.  w^i |= L

w |= eventually L iff exists i. w^i |= L

w |= L1 until L2  iff exists i>=0. w^i |= L2 and forall 0<= k < i. w^k |= L1

                      so either L2 holds immediately, or
                      at some point in the future, where L1 holds at each instant till that point

w |= next L       iff w^1 |= L

Model checking

Check if a model meets a specification.

For our case. Check that the CFSM meets some TCTL or LTL property, written CFSM |= TCTL.

Further reading about model checking

Model checking applications

Verification of hardware/software systems.

Classical uses cases

Modern uses


Model checking algorithm

Here's a rough sketch of the model checking algorithm.

  1. CFSM |= TCTL means that all behavior (paths) in the CFSM are also valid in the TCTL formula.

  2. Logically, this corresponds to an implication: forall path. path in CFSM implies path in TCTL.

  3. The standard approach is to check the opposite (contradiction).

  4. exists path. path in CFSM and path not in TCTL.

  5. This property is checked as follows.

  6. Turn the TCTL formula into an automata A1.

  7. Build the complement of A1 which yields automata A2.

  8. Run both, CFSM and A2, simultaneously, if we reach a "final" state in the product automta of A1 and A2, we have found a counter-example!

  9. Otherwise, the property CFSM |= TCTL holds.


Software Model Checking Takes Off

A Case Study of Toyota Unintended Acceleration and Software Safety

Hardware model checking (tutorial)

Spin - a popular model checker


UPPAAL is a modelchecker with a graphical language for modeling based on Communicating Finite State Machines (CFSM) and a temporal specification language based on the Temporal Computation Tree Logic (TCTL). Modelchecking means that UPPAAL verifies if the model satisfies the specification.

From UPPAAL to Go

Let's consider the "coffeemachine" example (see sample solution ilias).





First try

const (
    Active    = 0
    Initial   = 1
    HasCoffee = 2

func coffeeMachine(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial
    var acc int = 0

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case <-enter:
                state = Active
            case <-exit:
            } // select
        case state == Active:
            select {
            case <-coffee:
                if acc >= 150 {
                    acc = acc - 150
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-payback:
                if acc > 0 {
                    acc = 0
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select

        } // switch
    } // for


There's a problem.

In the UPPAAL model:

In our Go implementation,

So, we need to check both conditions (can we synchroinze and is the guard satisfied) atomically! How to do achieve this in Go?

Second try (using default)

Recall the principle of select paired with default.

select {
   case ch <- 1: // Action1
   default:      // Action2

With out default, the select will block if we can send via channel ch. With default, we first check all cases, if none of the cases (such as send via channel ch) is available, we pick the default case.

Applied to our example.

  1. Check for guard.

  2. Then, check if synchronization is possible.

  3. If we can't synchronize then "exit" via default.

func coffeeMachine(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial
    var acc int = 0

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case <-enter:
                state = Active
            case <-exit:
            } // select
        case state == Active:
            select {
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
                if acc >= 150 {
                    select {
                    case <-coffee:
                        acc = acc - 150
                    case <-payback:
                        acc = 0

                } // if

                if acc < 150 && acc > 0 {
                    select {
                    case <-payback:
                        acc = 0

            } // select

        } // switch
    } // for


This works! But is a bit ugly cause we encounter a "busy-waiting loop". We might repeatedly check for the guard and then the synchronization.

Unfortunately, in Go we can't impose a guard condition on the cases in a select statement.

Final try

Idea: Duplicate states by distinguishing if the guard is satisfied or not.

So, in the state state == Active && acc >= 150 a synchronization via coffee is possible.

Here's the implementation of this idea.

func coffeeMachine(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial
    var acc int = 0

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case <-enter:
                state = Active
            case <-exit:
            } // select
        case state == Active && acc >= 150:
            select {
            case <-coffee:
                acc = acc - 150
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-payback:
                acc = 0
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select

        case state == Active && 150 > acc && acc > 0:
            select {
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-payback:
                acc = 0
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select

        case state == Active && acc <= 0:
            select {
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select
        } // switch
    } // for


Pro: We no longer require a "busy-waiting" loop.

Cons: Codeduplication (because states are combined with guard conditions).

Complete (final try) code with user

// Translating UPPAAL to Go
// Martin Sulzmann

package main

import "fmt"

const (
    Active    = 0
    Initial   = 1
    HasCoffee = 2

func coffeeMachine(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial
    var acc int = 0

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case <-enter:
                state = Active
            case <-exit:
            } // select
        case state == Active && acc >= 150:
            select {
            case <-coffee:
                acc = acc - 150
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-payback:
                acc = 0
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select

        case state == Active && 150 > acc && acc > 0:
            select {
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-payback:
                acc = 0
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select

        case state == Active && acc <= 0:
            select {
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select
        } // switch
    } // for


func coffeeMachineWrong(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial
    var acc int = 0

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case <-enter:
                state = Active
            case <-exit:
            } // select
        case state == Active:
            select {
            case <-coffee:
                if acc >= 150 {
                    acc = acc - 150
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-payback:
                if acc > 0 {
                    acc = 0
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
            } // select

        } // switch
    } // for


func coffeeMachineBusyWait(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial
    var acc int = 0

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case <-enter:
                state = Active
            case <-exit:
            } // select
        case state == Active:
            select {
            case <-insert20:
                acc = acc + 20
            case <-insert50:
                acc = acc + 50
            case <-insert100:
                acc = acc + 100
            case <-exit:
                state = Initial
                if acc >= 150 {
                    select {
                    case <-coffee:
                        acc = acc - 150
                    case <-payback:
                        acc = 0

                } // if

                if acc < 150 && acc > 0 {
                    select {
                    case <-payback:
                        acc = 0

            } // select

        } // switch
    } // for


func user(userID string, coffee, enter, exit, payback,
    insert20, insert50, insert100 (chan int)) {
    var state int = Initial

    for {
        switch {
        case state == Initial:
            select {
            case exit <- 1:
                // we remain in Initial
            case enter <- 1:
                state = Active
        case state == Active:
            select {
            case exit <- 1:
                state = Initial
            case payback <- 1:
            case coffee <- 1:
                state = HasCoffee
            case insert20 <- 1:
            case insert50 <- 1:
            case insert100 <- 1:

        case state == HasCoffee:
            fmt.Printf("%s: I got coffee \n", userID)
            state = Active




func main() {

    var coffee = make(chan int)
    var enter = make(chan int)
    var exit = make(chan int)
    var payback = make(chan int)
    var insert20 = make(chan int)
    var insert50 = make(chan int)
    var insert100 = make(chan int)

    fmt.Print("Let's get coffee \n")

    go coffeeMachine(coffee, enter, exit, payback,
        insert20, insert50, insert100)

    go user("Max", coffee, enter, exit, payback,
        insert20, insert50, insert100)

    user("Moritz", coffee, enter, exit, payback,
        insert20, insert50, insert100)

Static versus dynamic verification

Verification by example

Consider the program.

int f(int n) {
  if(n == 0)
     return 1;

  if(n > 0)
     return f(n-1);

  if(n < -2)
    return f(n+1);

  return f(n-1);

We observe.

f(5) => f(4) => f(3) => f(2) => f(1) => f(0) => terminates

f(10) => ... => f(0) => terminates

f(-4) => f(-3) => f(-4) => f(-3) => ....

does not seem to terminate (maybe we need to wait a bit longer?)

We verify. For all positive inputs, the function terminates. For example, via an inductive proof.

Dynamic verification

Static verification

Selection of verification methods

Static program analysis

  1. Data-flow analysis

  2. Control-flow analysis

  3. Type and effect systems

  4. Modelchecking

Dynamic program analysis

  1. Testing:

    • Unit-Tests

    • Invariants/Assertions

    • Oracel-based testing

  2. Run-time verification:

    • Monitor run-time behavior

    • Check for invalid patterns of behavior

This is just a selection

Issues (static verification)

False positives

To carry out the static verification, we need to capture the program's behavior via some appropriate model (e.g. UPPAAL is a good candidate model for Go programs).

In the model we typically neglect certain details so that the static verification task becomes feasible (decidable). We say that the model overapproximates the program's behavior.

Here's an example. Consider the program (sketch).

...             // S1
if(cond) {
...             // S2
else {
...             // S3

We add comments to label program points.

In the UPPAAL we could keep track of boolean conditions such as cond. However, the model and the verification task becomes then rather involved and potentially no longer decidable. Keep in mind that in cond we can make use of arbitrary Go functions (some may not terminate!).

Hence, we typically build an approximation (abstraction) where we ignore certain details. As the model shall be a faithful representation of the program, we simply assume that both branches of the conditional statement are applicable.

Here's the resulting model.

S1 ---> S2
S2 ---> S3

We make use of labels to represents states. As can be seen, the model is non-deterministic. We can either go from S1 to S2 or S3.

A consequence of this (over)approximation is that we may encounter false positives:

  1. The static verifier reports failure.
  2. The failure is observable in the model but NOT in the program.

Recall the above example where we make the conditional statement concrete.

...             // S1
if(true) {
...             // S2
else {
...             // S3

The else branch is never taken because the Boolean condition always evaluates to true. However, in the transformation from the program to the model, we don't inspect Boolean conditions in detail. We assume that both Boolean results, true and false, are possible. Hence, we obtain the following model.

S1 ---> S2
S2 ---> S3

Suppose there's some verification failure due to state S3. This failure is not reproducible in the program because the else branch is never taken. We encounter a false positive.

False negatives

In the above, we assume that the model overapproximates the program's behavior. That is, the model captures all behavior in the program but possibly more. It could happen that we make a mistake (in the transformation from program to model).

Consider our running example.

...             // S1
if(cond) {
...             // S2
else {
...             // S3

Suppose we use the following model for verification.

S1 ---> S2

The model is faulty because we igore that from program state S1 we can reach program state S3. Suppose there's a bug once we reach program state S3. This bug doesn't show up in the model. Hence, the verifier reports no failure whereas the program is faulty. We encounter a false negative:

  1. The static verifier reports okay.
  2. But the program is buggy.
  3. The bug is missed because the model transformation is faulty.

Further examples for static verification

Type checking

Types represent a (static) model of the program's run-time behavior. Typically, false positives arise but not false negatives.


These tools look for suspicious program parts by using syntax checks. False positives as well as false negatives may arise.

Dynamic verification

We consider

dynamic verification = testing = run-time verification

Different words with the same intention. Observe the actual program's behavior for a fixed number of program runs. For these fixed number of program runs we try to identify if there is a bug or not.





Assertions impose conditions on program locations.

assert(x > 0)

Invariants include more complex properties that not only involves program locations but also functions.

forall x. switchLowHigh(switchLowHigh(x)) == x

Assertions typically make use of Boolean conditions whereas invariants involve more complex (predicate logic) statements.

Oracle-based testing

Oracle = able to predict expected output for any input.

Where does the oracle come from?

  1. Independent implementation
  2. Stable release
  3. ...

Trace-Based Runtime Verification (RV)

Special instance where we are interested in the sequence of events (=trace) emitted by a program.

Monitoring of the runtime behavior of programs to ensure that a given correctness property is satisfied.

  1. Instrumentation of a program to monitor the runtime behavior we are interested in.

  2. Recording of runtime behavior as a sequence of events (= program trace).

  3. Checking that the program trace satisfies the correctness property (= trace validation).

Difference to Modelchecking (MC)

For example, consider the UPPAAL modelchecker and the examples from the Autonomous Systems course. A typical MC example is to guarantee that the user eventually obtains a coffee.

In RV we can only check safety properties ("something bad will never happen") whereas MC typically can also deal with liveness properties ("something good will eventually happen").

RV Topics

Simple tracer in Go

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"
import "strconv"


Simple tracer in Go.


- Can be used offline and online. We only show offline use case


- Tracing may be inaccurate. Tracer order may not correspond to actual program execution.

- How to detect stuck threads? We only record events after the operation is performed.


- Naive run-time monitoring via manual inspection of the trace

 More systematic run-time monitirong methods:
    Apply regular expressions/LTL to validate trace.

// Events

type Kind int

const (
    Snd   Kind = 0
    Rcv   Kind = 1
    Write Kind = 2
    Read  Kind = 3

type Event struct {
    name     string
    threadId int
    kind     Kind

func mkEvt(n string, t int, k Kind) Event {
    return Event{name: n, threadId: t, kind: k}

func showEvt(e Event) string {
    var s string
    switch {
    case e.kind == Snd:
        s = "!"
    case e.kind == Rcv:
        s = "?"
    case e.kind == Write:
        s = "W"
    case e.kind == Read:
        s = "R"
    return (strconv.Itoa(e.threadId) + "#" + + s)

// Tracer

var globalCnt int
var logChan chan Event
var doneSignal chan int

func initTrace() {
    logChan = make(chan Event)
    doneSignal = make(chan int)
    globalCnt = 0


func incCnt() int {
    return globalCnt

func recordEvt(e Event) {
    go func() {
        logChan <- e

func done() {
    go func() {
        doneSignal <- 1

func retrieveEvt() (Event, bool) {
    var e Event
    var r bool
    select {
    case e = <-logChan:
        r = true
        r = false
    return e, r

// Variant: Relies on doneSignal channel.
// Doesn't seem to work very well.
func retrieveEvt2() (Event, bool) {
    var e Event
    var r bool
    select {
    case e = <-logChan:
        r = true
    case <-doneSignal:
        r = false
    return e, r

// Examples

func example1() {

    ch := make(chan int)
    t1 := incCnt()
    t2 := incCnt()
    t3 := incCnt()

    // consumer 1
    go func() {
        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
            e := mkEvt("ch", t1, Rcv)

    // consumer 2
    go func() {
        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
            e := mkEvt("ch", t2, Rcv)

    // producer 3
    go func() {
        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
            ch <- 1
            e := mkEvt("ch", t3, Snd)

    // manual synchronization
    // wait till all threads are 'done'
    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

    // offline trace analysis
    // simply print trace on screen

    for {
        e, r := retrieveEvt()
        if !r {
        fmt.Printf("\n %s", showEvt(e))


func main() {
