Martin Sulzmann
Futures and promises in Haskell and Scala
Futures and promises are a high-level concurrency construct to aid the user in writing scalable and correct asynchronous programs. We introduce a simple core language based on which we can derive a rich set of future and promise features. We discuss ways to implement the core features via shared-state concurrency making either use of Software Transactional Memory, an elementary lock-based primitive, or an atomic compare-and-swap operation. The approach has been fully implemented in Haskell and Scala. For both languages, we provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our method. We consider program transformations in the context of futures and promises and observe potential problems in existing Scala-based libraries.
We give the full Haskell code
We consider an implementation in Go for the case of “MVar” based futures and promises
We give an implementation without generics where we must resort
to interface{}
We give another implementation that makes use of generics in Go
Compared to Haskell. Go with generics demands the user to supply explict type instances for polymorphic functions. This can be rather cumbersome.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Main where
Supplementary material to our PEPM'19 submission.
Some raw Haskell code.
import Data.Time
import Text.Printf
import System.Mem
import System.Environment
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
casIORef :: Eq a => IORef a -> a -> a -> IO Bool
casIORef ptr old new =
atomicModifyIORef ptr (\ cur -> if cur == old
then (new, True)
else (cur, False))
forkIO_ cmd = do forkIO cmd
return ()
-- Primitive set of (promise/future) features, specified in terms of a constructor class.
-- Inspired by Scala FP (= Scala's futures and promises).
class Core t where
newC :: IO (t a)
getC :: t a -> IO (Maybe a)
tryCompleteC :: t a -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO Bool
onCompleteC :: t a -> (Maybe a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-- | Atomic reference based implementation.
-- Inspired by Scala FP.
-- Invariant: Either promise not yet completed, or list of callbacks non-empty.
-- CAS requires Eq instance, as Either predefined, define our own.
-- Via MVar () we signal if promise has been completed.
data E a b = L a | R b
data CIO a = CIO (IORef (E (Maybe a) [Maybe a -> IO ()]))
(MVar ())
-- | Eq required to perform CAS on atomic reference.
-- There is no need to inspect the actual values (value, list of callbacks) because:
-- 1. Once set, a promise can't be overriden.
-- 2. We only add callbacks to the list.
-- Requires FlexibleInstances because of the nested pattern (safe use here).
instance Eq (E (Maybe a) [Maybe a -> IO ()]) where
(==) (L _) (R _) = False
(==) (R _) (L _) = False
(==) (L Nothing) (L (Just _)) = False
(==) (L (Just _)) (L Nothing) = False
(==) (L (Just _)) (L (Just _)) = True
(==) (L Nothing) (L Nothing) = True
(==) (R xs) (R ys) = length xs == length ys
instance Core CIO where
newC =
do x <- newIORef (R [])
y <- newEmptyMVar
return $ CIO x y
getC (CIO x y) =
do _ <- readMVar y
(L v) <- readIORef x
return v
tryCompleteC (CIO x y) m = do
v <- m
let go = do
val <- readIORef x
case val of
L _ -> return False
R hs -> do b <- casIORef x val (L v)
if b
then do putMVar y ()
mapM_ (\h -> forkIO $ h v) hs
return True
else go
onCompleteC (CIO x _) h = do
let go = do val <- readIORef x
case val of
L v -> do forkIO $ h v
return ()
R hs -> do b <- casIORef x val (R (h:hs))
if b
then return ()
else go
-- | MVar
-- Largely similar to atomic reference impl (no spinning, blocking).
data CMVAR a = CMVAR (MVar (E (Maybe a) [Maybe a -> IO ()]))
(MVar ())
instance Core CMVAR where
newC = do x <- newMVar (R [])
y <- newEmptyMVar
return $ CMVAR x y
getC (CMVAR x y) = do _ <- readMVar y
(L v) <- readMVar x
return v
tryCompleteC (CMVAR x y) m = do
v <- m
s <- takeMVar x
case s of
L _ -> do putMVar x s
return False
R hs -> do putMVar x (L v)
putMVar y ()
mapM_ (\h -> forkIO $ h v) hs
return True
onCompleteC (CMVAR x y) h = do
s <- takeMVar x
case s of
(L v) -> do putMVar x (L v)
forkIO_ $ h v
(R hs) -> putMVar x (R (h:hs))
-- | STM-based implementation
-- Invariant: Either promise not yet completed, or list of callbacks non-empty.
-- Signaling done via retry.
data CSTM a = CSTM (TVar (E (Maybe a) [Maybe a -> IO ()]))
unPrimSTM (CSTM x) = x
instance Core CSTM where
newC = do x <- atomically $ newTVar (R []) -- newTVarIO (R [])
return $ CSTM x
getC (CSTM x) = atomically $ do s <- readTVar x
case s of
R _ -> retry
L v -> return v
tryCompleteC (CSTM x) m = do
v <- m
action <- atomically $ do s <- readTVar x
case s of
R hs -> do writeTVar x (L v)
return $ do mapM_ (\h -> forkIO $ h v) hs
return True
L _ -> return (return False)
onCompleteC (CSTM x) h = do
action <- atomically $ do s <- readTVar x
case s of
(R hs) -> do writeTVar x $ R (h:hs)
return (return ())
(L v) -> return (forkIO_ $ h v)
-- | Futures *and* Promises.
-- We don't make any distinction at this point.
-- A future is promise and vice versa.
-- At some later stage, we can provide a more refined interface,
-- e.g. for futures we only provide certain operations etc.
class FP t where
new :: IO (t a)
trySuccess :: t a -> a -> IO Bool
tryFail :: t a -> IO Bool
tryComplete :: t a -> IO (Maybe a) -> IO Bool
trySuccWith :: t a -> t a -> IO ()
tryFailWith :: t a -> t a -> IO ()
tryCompleteWith :: t a -> t a -> IO ()
future_ :: (() -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO (t a)
future :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO (t a)
get :: t a -> IO (Maybe a)
onComplete :: t a -> (Maybe a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
onSuccess :: t a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
onFail :: t a -> (() -> IO ()) -> IO ()
transformWith :: t a -> (Maybe a -> IO (t b)) -> IO (t b)
transform :: t a -> (Maybe a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (t b)
followedBy :: t a -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (t b)
followedByWith :: t a -> (a -> IO (t b)) -> IO (t b)
guard :: t a -> (a -> IO Bool) -> IO (t a)
orAlt :: t a -> t a -> IO (t a)
first :: t a -> t a -> IO (t a)
firstSucc :: t a -> t a -> IO (t a)
-- Requires UndecidableInstaces as the context constraint Core t is no smaller than the instead head FP t.
-- For our uses, the instance declaration is safe.
-- Requires FlexibleInstances because in instead head FP t, t is a plain variable (safe use here).
instance Core t => FP t where
new = newC
trySuccess p x = tryCompleteC p (return $ Just x)
tryFail p = tryCompleteC p (return Nothing)
tryComplete = tryCompleteC
trySuccWith p f =
onSuccess f (\x -> do trySuccess p x
return ())
tryFailWith p f =
onFail f (\() -> do tryFail p
return ())
tryCompleteWith p f = do
onComplete f (\x -> do tryComplete p (return x)
return ())
-- creates 2 instead of 1 callback
trySuccWith p f
tryFailWith p f
future_ h = do p <- newC
forkIO $ do tryComplete p (h ())
return ()
return p
future f = future_ (\() -> f)
get = getC
onComplete f h = onCompleteC f h
onSuccess f h = onComplete f (\x -> case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just v -> h v)
onFail f h = onComplete f (\x -> case x of
Nothing -> h ()
Just v -> return ())
transformWith f h = do
p <- new
onComplete f (\x -> do v <- h x
tryCompleteWith p v)
return p
transform f h = do
p <- new
onComplete f (\x -> do tryComplete p (h x)
return ())
return p
-- 'with' introduces additional callback that might lead to some run-time overhead
transformWith f (\x -> do p <- newP
tryComplete p (h x)
return p)
followedBy f h =
transform f (\x -> case x of
Just v -> h v
Nothing -> return Nothing)
followedByWith f (\x -> do p <- newP
tryComplete p (h x)
return p)
guard f h = followedBy f (\x -> do v <- h x
if v
then return $ Just x
else return Nothing)
followedByWith f h = do
transformWith f (\x -> case x of
Just v -> h v
Nothing -> do p <- new
tryFail p
return p)
orAlt f1 f2 = do
transformWith f1
(\x -> case x of
Just v -> return f1
Nothing -> transform f2
(\x -> case x of
Just v -> return x
Nothing -> return Nothing))
orAlt f1 f2 = do
transformWith f1
(\x -> case x of
Just v -> return f1
Nothing -> transformWith f2
(\x -> case x of
Just v -> return f2
Nothing -> return f1))
first f1 f2 = do
p <- new
tryCompleteWith p f1
tryCompleteWith p f2
return p
firstSucc f1 f2 = do
p <- new
trySuccWith p f1
trySuccWith p f2
return p
-- Just playing. Alternative definition.
followedBy f h = do p <- newP
onComplete f (\x -> case x of
Just v -> do tryCompleteP p (h v)
return ()
Nothing -> do tryCompleteP p (return Nothing)
return ())
return p
followedByWith f h = do
p <- newP
onComplete f (\x -> case x of
Just v -> do f' <- h v
tryCompleteWith p f'
Nothing -> do tryCompleteP p (return Nothing)
return ())
return p
orAlt f1 f2 = do
future (\() -> do v <- get f1
case v of
Just{} -> return v
Nothing -> get f2)
orAlt f1 f2 = do
p <- newP
onComplete f1
(\x -> case x of
Just v -> do trySuccess p v
return ()
Nothing -> onComplete f2 (\x -> case x of
Just v -> do trySuccess p v
return ()
Nothing -> do tryFail p
return ()))
return p
firstSucc f1 f2 = do
f3 <- orAlt f1 f2
f4 <- orAlt f2 f1
first f3 f3
-- Benchmarks
bio :: CIO a
bio = undefined
bstm :: CSTM a
bstm = undefined
bmvar :: CMVAR a
bmvar = undefined
-- Measures high/low contention
-- q to select candidate (bio, bmvar, bstm)
-- n number of promises
-- m * n number of oncomplete runs
-- k * n number of try completes
-- For each promise pi taken from [p1,...,pn]
-- m times onComplete pi incCount
-- k times tryComplete pi v
-- get pi
-- wait for counter to reach n*m (all onCompletes are processed)
perf1 n m k q = do
x <- newTVarIO 0
ps <- mapM (\_ -> newC) [1..n]
let qs = q:ps -- trick to force type
let ps' = ps
let cmd = mapM_ (\p-> onCompleteC p (\_ -> do atomically $ do v <- readTVar x
writeTVar x (v+1)
-- putStrLn "doo"
mapM_ (\_ -> forkIO cmd) [1..m]
let ts = mapM_ (\p -> tryCompleteC p (return $ Just 1)) ps
mapM_ (\_ -> forkIO ts) [1..k]
mapM_ getC ps -- XX
atomically $ do v <- readTVar x
if v < n*m
then retry
else return ()
-- chain of (nested) oncomplete and tries
-- onComplete p1 (do tryComplete p2
-- onComplete p2 (do tryComplete p3
-- ... ))
-- tryComplete p1
-- get pn
perf2 n q = do
ps <- mapM (\_ -> newC) [1..n]
let qs = q:ps -- trick to force type
let go (p1:p2:ps) = onCompleteC p1 (\_ -> do tryCompleteC p2 (return $ Just 1)
go (p2:ps))
go [p] = onCompleteC p (\_ -> return ())
go ps
tryCompleteC (head ps) (return $ Just 1)
_ <- getC (last ps)
return ()
-- chain of oncomplete and tries
-- no excessive nesting
-- do onComplete p1 (tryComplete p2)
-- onComplete p2 (tryComplete p3)
-- ...
--- tryComplete p1
perf3 n q = do
ps <- mapM (\_ -> newC) [1..n]
let qs = q:ps -- trick to force type
let go (p1:p2:ps) = do onCompleteC p1 (\_ -> do do tryCompleteC p2 (return $ Just 1)
return ())
go (p2:ps)
go [p] = onCompleteC p (\_ -> return ())
go ps
tryCompleteC (head ps) (return $ Just 1)
_ <- getC (last ps)
return ()
execTest test = do performGC
start <- getCurrentTime
fin <- getCurrentTime
let result = diffUTCTime fin start
printf "time: %.2fs\n" (realToFrac result :: Double)
return (realToFrac result :: Double)
runTest n test = do rs <- mapM (\_ -> execTest test) [1..n]
let xs = sort rs
let low = head xs
let high = last xs
let m :: Double
m = fromIntegral (length xs)
let av = sum xs / m
printf "low: %.2fs high: %.2fs avrg: %.2fs\n" low high av
runAll n t1 t2 t3 = do
putStrLn "CIO"
runTest n t1
putStrLn "CMVAR"
runTest n t2
putStrLn "CSTM"
runTest n t3
test1 = runAll 10 (perf1 10000 100 200 bio)
(perf1 10000 100 200 bmvar)
(perf1 10000 100 200 bstm)
test2 = runAll 10 (perf1 100000 20 2 bio)
(perf1 100000 20 2 bmvar)
(perf1 100000 20 2 bstm)
test3 = do let n = 2000000
runAll 10 (perf2 n bio)
(perf2 n bmvar)
(perf2 n bstm)
test4 = do let n = 2000000
runAll 10 (perf3 n bio)
(perf3 n bmvar)
(perf3 n bstm)
main = do args <- getArgs
let t = head args
case t of
"1" -> do print "Test 1"
"2" -> do print "Test 2"
"3" -> do print "Test 3"
"4" -> do print "Test 4"
package main
// Direct Go implementation of "Futures and promises in Haskell and Scala"
// (
// Recent versions of Go support "generics" (parametric polymorphism).
// Below we give an implementation that does not exploit parametric polymorphism.
// Not having parametric polymorphism can be a serious limitation for building EDSLs.
// The Go types are less descriptive. We need to resort to "interface{}" and type casts.
// This might introduce bugs in user code and in the EDSL implementation.
import "fmt"
import "time"
// Maybe data type
type Maybe struct {
val interface{}
nothing bool
func mkJust(x interface{}) Maybe {
return Maybe{x, false}
func mkNothing() Maybe {
return Maybe{nothing: true}
func (m Maybe) isJust() (r interface{}, b bool) {
r = m.val
b = !m.nothing
return r, b
func (m Maybe) isNothing() bool {
return m.nothing
// Either data type
type Either struct {
left interface{}
right interface{}
leftOrRight bool // true => left, false => right
func mkLeft(x interface{}) Either {
return Either{left: x, leftOrRight: true}
func mkRight(x interface{}) Either {
return Either{right: x, leftOrRight: false}
func (e Either) isLeft() (r interface{}, b bool) {
r = e.left
b = e.leftOrRight
return r, b
func (e Either) isRight() (r interface{}, b bool) {
r = e.right
b = !e.leftOrRight
return r, b
// Channel-based MVar
type MVar chan (interface{})
func newMVar(x interface{}) MVar {
ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)
ch <- x
return ch
func newEmptyMVar() MVar {
ch := make(chan interface{}, 1)
return ch
func (m MVar) takeMVar() interface{} {
return <-m
func (m MVar) putMVar(x interface{}) {
m <- x
func (m MVar) readMVar() interface{} {
x := m.takeMVar()
return x
// Future/promise MVar-based core implementation
// CMVar = Core MVar-based
type CMVar struct {
valOrCallbacks MVar
signal MVar
func newC() CMVar {
x := newMVar(mkRight(make([]func(Maybe), 0)))
y := newEmptyMVar()
return CMVar{x, y}
func (c CMVar) getC() Maybe {
r, _ := c.valOrCallbacks.readMVar().(Either).isLeft()
return r.(Maybe)
func (c CMVar) tryCompleteC(f func() Maybe) bool {
var b bool
v := f()
s := c.valOrCallbacks.takeMVar()
hs, right := s.(Either).isRight()
switch {
case right == false:
b = false
case right == true:
for _, h := range hs.([]func(Maybe)) {
go h(v)
b = true
return b
func (c CMVar) onComplete(h func(Maybe)) {
s := c.valOrCallbacks.takeMVar()
v, left := s.(Either).isLeft()
hs, right := s.(Either).isRight()
switch {
case left == true:
go h(v.(Maybe))
case right == true:
hs = append(hs.([]func(Maybe)), h)
// Example
func example() {
p := newC()
go p.tryCompleteC(func() Maybe {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return mkNothing()
p.onComplete(func(x Maybe) {
_, something := x.isJust()
switch {
case something == true:
fmt.Printf("\n something")
fmt.Printf("\n nothing")
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
func main() {
package main
// Direct Go implementation of "Futures and promises in Haskell and Scala"
// (
// Recent versions of Go support "generics" (parametric polymorphism).
// Below we give an implementation that does exploit parametric polymorphism.
// Unlike Haskell, Go with generics does not support type inference.
// This means that for parametric polymorphic functions, the user needs to
// provide explict type instances.
// Explicit type instance are not necessary for Go methods due to the following trick:
// - Method definitions are not allowed to introduce any type parameters
// - Of course, they may refer to polymorphic types (as receivers and arguments)
// - The types of variables are known in Go
// - Thus, each method call can be type checked by knowing the types of receivers and arguments.
import "fmt"
import "time"
// Maybe data type
type Maybe[T any] struct {
val T
nothing bool
func mkJust[T any](x T) Maybe[T] {
return Maybe[T]{x, false}
func mkNothing[T any]() Maybe[T] {
return Maybe[T]{nothing: true}
func (m Maybe[T]) isJust() (r T, b bool) {
r = m.val
b = !m.nothing
return r, b
func (m Maybe[T]) isNothing() bool {
return m.nothing
// Either data type
type Either[T any, S any] struct {
left T
right S
leftOrRight bool // true => left, false => right
func mkLeft[T any, S any](x T) Either[T,S] {
return Either[T,S]{left: x, leftOrRight: true}
func mkRight[T any, S any](x S) Either[T,S] {
return Either[T,S]{right: x, leftOrRight: false}
func (e Either[T,S]) isLeft() (l T, b bool) {
l = e.left
b = e.leftOrRight
return l, b
func (e Either[T,S]) isRight() (r S, b bool) {
r = e.right
b = !e.leftOrRight
return r, b
// Channel-based MVar
type MVar[T any] chan (T)
func newMVar[T any](x T) MVar[T] {
ch := make(chan T, 1)
ch <- x
return ch
func newEmptyMVar[T any]() MVar[T] {
ch := make(chan T, 1)
return ch
func (m MVar[T]) takeMVar() T {
return <-m
func (m MVar[T]) putMVar(x T) {
m <- x
func (m MVar[T]) readMVar() T {
x := m.takeMVar()
return x
// Future/promise MVar-based core implementation
// CMVar = Core MVar-based
type CMVar[T any] struct {
valOrCallbacks MVar[Either[Maybe[T], []func(Maybe[T])]]
signal MVar[int]
func newC[T any]() CMVar[T] {
x := newMVar[Either[Maybe[T], []func(Maybe[T])]](mkRight[Maybe[T],[]func(Maybe[T])](make([]func(Maybe[T]), 0)))
y := newEmptyMVar[int]()
return CMVar[T]{x, y}
func (c CMVar[T]) getC() Maybe[T] {
sig := c.signal
r, _ := c.valOrCallbacks.readMVar().isLeft()
return r
func (c CMVar[T]) tryCompleteC(f func() Maybe[T]) bool {
var b bool
v := f()
s := c.valOrCallbacks.takeMVar()
hs, right := s.isRight()
switch {
case right == false:
b = false
case right == true:
c.valOrCallbacks.putMVar(mkLeft[Maybe[T], []func(Maybe[T])](v))
for _, h := range hs {
go h(v)
b = true
return b
func (c CMVar[T]) onComplete(h func(Maybe[T])) {
s := c.valOrCallbacks.takeMVar()
v, left := s.isLeft()
hs, right := s.isRight()
switch {
case left == true:
go h(v)
case right == true:
hs = append(hs, h)
c.valOrCallbacks.putMVar(mkRight[Maybe[T], []func(Maybe[T])](hs))
// Example
func example() {
p := newC[int]()
go p.tryCompleteC(func() Maybe[int] {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
return mkNothing[int]()
p.onComplete(func(x Maybe[int]) {
_, something := x.isJust()
switch {
case something == true:
fmt.Printf("\n something")
fmt.Printf("\n nothing")
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
func main() {