Extended Example: Regular expressions

Martin Sulzmann

Regular expression derivatives

We show how to mimic pattern matching over algebraic data types in Go.

Some theory on regular expressions first


In EBNF Syntax:

r,s ::= x | y | z | ...         Symbols aka letters taken from a finite alphabet
    |  epsilon                  Empty word
    |  phi                      Empty language
    |  r + r                    Alternatives
    |  r . r                    Sequence aka concatenation
    |  r*                       Kleene star

u,v,w ::= epsilon               empty word
      |  w . w                  concatenation

Sigma denotes the finite set of alphabet symbols.

Regular expressions are popular formalism to specify (infinitely many) patterns of input.

For example,

 (open . (read + write)* . close)*

specifies the valid access patterns of a resource usage policy.

We assume that open, read, write, close are the primitive events (symbols) which will be recorded during a program run.


L(r) denotes the set of words represented by the regular expression r.

Standard (denotational) formulation of L(r):

L(x) = { x }

L(epsilon) = { epsilon }

L(phi) = { }

L(r + s) = { w | w in L(r) or w in L(s) }

L(r . s) = { v . w | v in L(r) and w in L(s) }

L(r*) = { epsilon } cap { w_1 . ... . w_n | w_1, ..., w_n in L(r) and n >=1 }

Membership Test

We ask the question. Given a regular expression r and a word w does it hold that w is an element in L(r)? The classical approach is to turn the regular expression into an automata (for example via the Thompson NFA construction).

For example, consider the regular expression

a* . b . c*

that denotes the language of an arbitrary sequence of a's followed by a b, followed by an arbitrary sequence of c's. We do not strictly follow the Thompson method, rather we highlight the principle of turning regular expressions into automata.

Here is a possible automata.

1 --a--> 1
1 --b--> 2
2 --c--> 2

initial: 1
final: 2

There are two states, 1 and 2. State 1 is the initial state and state 2 is the final state. A transitition such as 1 --a--> 1 states if we are in state 1, we can consume the input symbol a and then reach state 1 (so we effectively loop for a's). If the input symbol is b, we reach state 2. What if the input symbol is c? There does not seem to be transition labeled with c. A common assumption is to omit transitions that lead to a stuck state.

We complete the above automata by adding all such transitions.

1 --c--> 3
2 --a--> 3
2 --b--> 3
3 --a--> 3
3 --b--> 3
3 --c--> 3

If in state 1 and the input symbol is c, we reach state 3. State 3 is just some state (not final) and effectively represents the error state (the input word is not part of the language).

To summarize. The purpose of an automata is to consume symbols and executing transitions. In each step, we consume an input symbol and apply one of the transitions.

For example, consider input "ccba".

1 --c--> 1 --c--> 1 --b--> 2 --a--> 2

State 2 is final. Hence, "ccba" is word of the language.

As another example, consider input "ccbb".

1 --c--> 1 --c--> 1 --b--> 2 --b--> 3

State 3 is not final. So, "ccbb" is not a word of the language.

Membership Test via Derivatives

We consider an alternative method to carry out the membership test based on Brzozowski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brzozowski_derivative. He introduced a symbolic method to construct an automata from a regular expression based on the concept of derivatives.

Given some expression r and a symbol x, we obtain the derivative of r w.r.t. x, written d(r,x), by taking way the leading symbol x from r.

In semantic terms, d(r,x) can be described as follows:

L(d(r,x)) = x \ L(r)

Thus, it is easy to solve the word problem. Let w be a word consisting of symbols x1 . x2 .... xn-1 . xn.


d(r,x1) = r1
d(r1,x2) = r2
d(rn-1,xn) = rn

That is, we repeatidely build the derivative of r w.r.t symbols xi.

Check if the final expression rn is nullable. An expression s is nullable if epsilon in L(s).

Formalizing Nullability and the Derivative operation

It is surprisingly simply to decide nullability by observing the structure of regular expression.

We write n(r) to denote the nullability test which yields a Boolean value (true/false).

n(x) where xi is a symbol never holds.

n(epsilon) always holds.

n(phi) never holds.

n(r + s) holds iff n(r) holds or n(s) holds.

n(r . s) holds iff n(r) holds and n(s) holds.

n(r*) always holds.

A similar approach (definition by structural recursion) works for the derivative operation.

We write d(r,x) to denote the derivative obtained by extracting the leading symbol x from expression r. For each derivative, we wish that the following holds: L(d(r,x)) = x \ L(r).

As in case of the nullability test, the derivative operation is defined by observing the structure of regular expression patterns. Instead of a Boolean value, we yield another expression (the derivative).

d(x,y) =   either epsilon if x == y or phi otherwise

d(epsilon,y) = phi

d(phi,y)     = phi

d(r + s, y)  = d(r,y) + d(s,y)

d(r . s, y)  =  if n(r)
                then d(r,y) . s +  d(s,y)
                else d(r,y) . s

d(r*, y)     = d(r,y) . r*


Let's consider some examples to understand the workings of the derivative and nullability function.

We write r -x-> d(r,x) to denote application of the derivative on some expression r with respect to symbol x.

-x->   d(x*,x)
       = d(x,x) . x*       
       = epsilon . x*      

-x->   epsilon . x*
       = d(epsilon,x) . x* + d(x*,x)     -- n(epsilon) yields true
       = phi . x* + epsilon . x*

So repeated applicaton of the derivative on x*$ for input string "x.x" yieldsphi . x* + epsilon . x*`. Let's carry out the nullability function on the final expression.

    n(phi . x* + epsilon . x*)
    = n(phi .x*) or n(epsilon . x*)
    = (n(phi) and n(x*)) or (n(epsilon) and n(x*))
    = (false and true) or (true and true)
    = false or true
    = true

The final expression phi . x* + epsilon . x* is nullable. Hence, we can argue that expression x* matches the input word "x.x".

Implementation in Go

We make use of (extensible) interfaces to mimic pattern matching in Go.

package main

import "fmt"

type RE interface {
    deriv(byte) RE
    nullable() bool

type Eps int
type Phi int
type Letter byte
type Kleene [1]RE
type Alt [2]RE
type Seq [2]RE

// test if regex is nullable
func (r Eps) nullable() bool {
    return true
func (r Phi) nullable() bool {
    return false
func (r Letter) nullable() bool {
    return false

func (r Kleene) nullable() bool {
    return true
func (r Alt) nullable() bool {
    return r[0].nullable() || r[1].nullable()
func (r Seq) nullable() bool {
    return r[0].nullable() && r[1].nullable()

// build the derivative wrt x
func (r Eps) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return Phi(1)
func (r Phi) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return Phi(1)

func (r Letter) deriv(x byte) RE {
    y := (byte)(r)
    if x == y {
        return Eps(1)
    } else {
        return Phi(1)

func (r Kleene) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return (Seq)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r})

func (r Alt) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return (Alt)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r[1].deriv(x)})

func (r Seq) deriv(x byte) RE {
    if r[0].nullable() {
        return (Alt)([2]RE{(Seq)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r[1]}), r[1].deriv(x)})
    } else {
        return (Seq)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r[1]})

func testRegEx() {
    var c Letter = Letter('c')
    eps := (Eps)(1)
    phi := (Phi)(1)
    r1 := (Alt)([2]RE{eps, phi})
    r2 := (Seq)([2]RE{c, r1})

    fmt.Printf("%b \n", (r2.deriv('c')).nullable())

func main() {



Each pattern matching function is method of the RE inferface.

Each case of the description of regular expression is represented by a specific type.

The methods of the RE inferface provide an implementation for each case.

Some (further) regex exercises


By hand calculations

-a->  d(a, a)
      = epsilon
-a->  d(epsilon, a)
      = phi
check nullability

      = false
      a + b
-b->  d(a + b, b)
      = phi + epsilon
check nullability

      n(phi + epsilon)
      = n(phi) or n(epsilon)
      = false or true
      = true
      a + b
-c->  d(a + b, c)
      = phi + phi
check nullability

      n(phi + phi)
      = n(phi) or n(phi)
      = false or false
      = false
      a . b
-a->  d(a . b, a)         -- n(a) yields false
      = d(a, a) . b
      = epsilon . b
-b->  d(epsilon . b, b)   -- n(epsilon) yields true
      = d(epsilon, b) . b + d(b, b)
      = (phi . b) + epsilon
check nullability

      n((phi . b) + epsilon)
      = n(phi . b) or n(epsilon)
      = (n(phi) and n(b)) or n(epsilon)
      = false or true
      = true
        (a + b) . (a + b)
-a->    d((a + b) . (a + b), a)   -- n(a + b) yields false
        = d(a + b, a) . (a + b)
        = (epsilon + phi) . (a + b)
-b->    d((epsilon + phi) . (a + b), b)   -- n(epsilon + phi) yields true
        = (d(epsilon + phi, b) . (a + b)) + d(a + b, b)
        = ((phi + phi) . (a + b)) + (phi + epsilon)
check nullability

        n(((phi + phi) . (a + b)) + (phi + epsilon))
        = n((phi + phi) . (a + b)) or n(phi + epsilon)
        = (n(phi or phi) and n(a or b)) or n(phi + epsilon)
        = (false and false) or true
        = false or true
        = true
-a->   d(a*,a)
       = d(a,a) . a*
       = epsilon . a*
-a->   d(epsilon .a*, a)
       = d(epsilon, a).a* + d(a*,a)        -- n(epsilon) yields true
       = phi.a* + epsilon.a*

We assume that * binds tigher than . which binds tigher than +.
So, phi.a* is interpreted as phi . (a*) adding some explicit parantheses.
        a . b*
-a->    d(a . b*, a)        -- n(a) yields false
        = d(a, a) . b*
        = epsilon . b*
-b->    d(epsilon . b*, b)   -- n(epsilon) yields true
        = (d(epsilon, b) . b*) + d(b*, b)
        = (phi . b*) + (epsilon . b*)
-b->    d((phi . b*) + (epsilon . b*), b)
        = d(phi . b*, b) + d(epsilon . b*, b)  -- left side n(phi) yields false, right side n(epsilon) yields true
        = (phi . b*) + ((phi . b*) + (epsilon . b*))
check nullability

        n((phi . b*) + ((phi . b*) + (epsilon . b*)))
        = n(phi . b*) or (n(phi . b*) or n(epsilon . b*))
        = false or (false or true)
        = false or true
        = true
        a . (b + c)* . d
-a->    d(a . (b + c)* . d, a)        -- n(a) yields false
        = d(a, a) . ((b + c)* . d)
        = epsilon . ((b + c)* . d)
-c->    d(epsilon . ((b + c)* . d), b) -- n(epsilon) yields true
        d(epsilon, b) . ((b + c)* . d) + d((b + c)* . d), b)
        phi . ((b + c)* . d)) + ((((eps + phi) . (b + c)*) . d) + phi)
-d->    d(phi . ((b + c)* . d)) + ((((phi + epsilon) . (b + c)*) . d) + phi), c)
        = d(phi . ((b + c)* . d)), c) + d((((phi + epsilon) . (b + c)*) . d) + phi, c)
        = phi . ((b + c)* . d)) + (((((phi + phi) . (b + c)*) + ((phi + phi) . (b + c)*)) . d) + eps) + phi

check nullability

        n(phi . ((b + c)* . d)) + n(((((phi + phi) . (b + c)*) + ((phi + phi) . (b + c)*)) . d) + eps) + phi)
        = n(phi . ((b + c)* . d))) or n((((((phi + phi) . (b + c)*) + ((phi + phi) . (b + c)*)) . d) + eps) + phi)
        = (n(n(phi) and (n((b + c)*) and n(d)))) or n(((((n(phi + phi) and n((b + c)*)) or (n(phi + phi) and n((b + c)*))) and n(d)) or n(eps)) or n(phi))
        = (fales and (true and false)) or (((((false and true) or (false and true)) and false) or true) or false)
        = (false and false) or (((((false) or (false)) and false) or true) or false)
        = false or (((false and false) or true) or false)
        = false or ((false or true) or false)
        = false or (true or false)
        = false or true
        = true

By running through the implementation.

We use the pretty-print extension discussed in the upcoming exercise

Running the below

    // (a+b)*
    a := Letter ('a')
        b := Letter ('b')
        r := (Kleene)([1]RE{(Alt)([]RE{a,b})})

    fmt.Printf("r = %s \n", r.pretty())

        // match r against "ab"

        // match a
    r1 := r.deriv('a')
        fmt.Printf("deriv(r,a) = %s \n", r1.pretty())

        // match b
        r2 := r1.deriv('b')
        fmt.Printf("deriv(deriv(r,a),b) = %s \n", r2.pretty())

        // nullability check
        fmt.Printf("%b \n", r2.nullable())       


r = ((a+b))* 
deriv(r,a) = ((eps+phi).((a+b))*) 
deriv(deriv(r,a),b) = (((phi+phi).((a+b))*)+((phi+eps).((a+b))*)) 

Some (further) exercises

Matching with derivatives (simple)

Based on the nullable and deriv method it is easy to write a matcher function to check if a regular expression matches a string.

  1. We repeatedly build derivatives.

  2. Once the string is empty, we check if the resulting regular expression is nullable.

Implement such a matcher function in Go.

Simplifications (advanced)

If we repeatedly build the derivative, the size of the resulting terms is growing.

For example, consider the following example where we write write r --x--> s for s = d(r,x).

--x--> d(x,x) . x*
       = epsilon . x*
--x--> d(epsilon . x*, x)
       = d(epsilon,x) . x* + d(x*,x)
       = phi . x* + epsilon . x*
--x--> d(phi . x* + epsilon . x*, x)
       = d(phi . x*, x) + d(epsilon . x*, x)
       = phi . x* + phi . x* + epsilon . x*

and so on.

It is desirable to keep the size of the regular expressions small.

Brzozowski observed that few (syntactic) simplification rules are sufficient to ensure that the size of derivatives will not grow.

(Idempotence)  r + r = r

(Associativity) (r + s) + t = r + (s + t)

(Commutativity) r + s = s + r

The (Idempotence) rule says in case of syntactically equal elements in an alternative, we can drop one of the elements.

The (Associativity) and (Commutativity) rule are for convenience so that we can move (syntactically) equal elements next to each other.

For example, consider

           (r + s) + r
=_Comm     r + (r + s)
=_Assoc    (r + r) + s
=_Idemp    r + s


There is no need to perform simplifications under a Kleene star.

The main challenge is to re-order alternative elements such that we can apply the (Idempotence) rule. For example, consider

           (r + s) + (t + r)
=_Comm     (r + s) + (r + t)
=_Comm     (s + r) + (r + t)
=_Assoc    s + (r + (r + t))
=_Assoc    s + ((r + t) + t)
=_Idemp    s + (r + t)

Here is a possible approach how to deal with such cases.

  1. Introduce an intermediate representation of regular expressions where alternatives are kept in a list.

  2. Transform into this intermediate form.

  3. Remove any duplicates into a list of alternatives.

  4. Transform the intermediate back into the given format for regular expressions.

Some sample solutions

Derivative matcher

func matcher(r RE, s string) bool {
    var b bool
    if len(s) == 0 {
        b = r.nullable()
    } else {
        r2 := r.deriv(s[0])
        b = matcher(r2, s[1:len(s)])
    return b


package main

import "fmt"

type RE interface {
    pretty() string
    deriv(byte) RE
    nullable() bool
    testSeq() (RE, RE, bool)
    getAlt() []RE
    rightAssoc() RE
    noDups() RE
    flatten() RE

type Eps int
type Phi int
type Letter byte
type Kleene [1]RE
type Alt []RE
type Seq [2]RE

// pretty printer
func (r Eps) pretty() string {
    return "eps"

func (r Phi) pretty() string {
    return "phi"

func (r Letter) pretty() string {
    b := []byte{(byte)(r)}
    return (string)(b)

func (r Alt) pretty() string {
    if len(r) == 0 {
        return ""

    var x string
    x = r[0].pretty()
    for i, e := range r {
        if !(i == 0) {
            x += "+" + e.pretty()
    return ("(" + x + ")")

func (r Seq) pretty() string {
    return ("(" + r[0].pretty() + "." + r[1].pretty() + ")")

func (r Kleene) pretty() string {
    return ("(" + r[0].pretty() + ")*")

// test if regex is nullable
func (r Eps) nullable() bool {
    return true
func (r Phi) nullable() bool {
    return false
func (r Letter) nullable() bool {
    return false

func (r Kleene) nullable() bool {
    return true
func (r Alt) nullable() bool {
    for _, x := range r {
        if x.nullable() {
            return true
    return false
func (r Seq) nullable() bool {
    return r[0].nullable() && r[1].nullable()

// build the derivative wrt x
func (r Eps) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return Phi(1)
func (r Phi) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return Phi(1)

func (r Letter) deriv(x byte) RE {
    y := (byte)(r)
    if x == y {
        return Eps(1)
    } else {
        return Phi(1)

func (r Kleene) deriv(x byte) RE {
    return (Seq)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r})

func (r Alt) deriv(x byte) RE {
    rs := []RE{}
    for _, e := range r {
        rs = append(rs, e.deriv(x))
    return (Alt)(rs)

func (r Seq) deriv(x byte) RE {
    if r[0].nullable() {
        return (Alt)([]RE{(Seq)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r[1]}), r[1].deriv(x)})
    } else {
        return (Seq)([2]RE{r[0].deriv(x), r[1]})

// testSeq, check for seq and if yes return left and right operand
func (r Phi) testSeq() (RE, RE, bool) {
    return (Eps)(1), (Eps)(1), false

func (r Eps) testSeq() (RE, RE, bool) {
    return (Eps)(1), (Eps)(1), false

func (r Letter) testSeq() (RE, RE, bool) {
    return (Eps)(1), (Eps)(1), false

func (r Kleene) testSeq() (RE, RE, bool) {
    return (Eps)(1), (Eps)(1), false

func (r Alt) testSeq() (RE, RE, bool) {
    return (Eps)(1), (Eps)(1), false

func (r Seq) testSeq() (RE, RE, bool) {
    return r[0], r[1], true

// getAlt, check for Alt and if yes return list of alternatives,
// otherwise, just return a list with the object on which we called getAlt
func (r Phi) getAlt() []RE {
    return []RE{r}

func (r Eps) getAlt() []RE {
    return []RE{r}

func (r Letter) getAlt() []RE {
    return []RE{r}

func (r Kleene) getAlt() []RE {
    return []RE{r}

func (r Alt) getAlt() []RE {
    return r

func (r Seq) getAlt() []RE {
    return []RE{r}

// right associative normal form
// Seq (Seq (r,s), t) => Seq (r, Seq (s,t))
func (r Eps) rightAssoc() RE {
    return r

func (r Phi) rightAssoc() RE {
    return r

func (r Letter) rightAssoc() RE {
    return r

func (r Kleene) rightAssoc() RE {
    return r

func (r Alt) rightAssoc() RE {
    rs := []RE{}
    for _, e := range r {
        rs = append(rs, e.rightAssoc())
    return (Alt)(rs)

func (r Seq) rightAssoc() RE {
    var x RE
    left := r[0].rightAssoc()
    right := r[1].rightAssoc()
    l1, l2, b := left.testSeq()
    if b {
        x = (Seq)([2]RE{l1, (Seq)([2]RE{l2, right})})
    } else {
        x = (Seq)([2]RE{left, right})
    return x

// flatten alternatives within a list of alternatives
func (r Eps) flatten() RE {
    return r

func (r Phi) flatten() RE {
    return r

func (r Letter) flatten() RE {
    return r

func (r Kleene) flatten() RE {
    return r

func (r Seq) flatten() RE {
    return r

func (r Alt) flatten() RE {
    xs := []RE{}
    for _, e := range r {
        xs = append(xs, e.flatten().getAlt()...)
    return (Alt)(xs)

// We reduce equality test to equality among their pretty printed representation
func eqRE(x RE, y RE) bool {
    return x.pretty() == y.pretty()

//check if elem
func elem(x RE, xs []RE) bool {
    for _, e := range xs {
        if eqRE(x, e) {
            return true
    return false

//remove duplicates in a slice
func nub(r []RE) []RE {
    curr := []RE{}
    for _, e := range r {
        if !elem(e, curr) {
            curr = append(curr, e)
    return curr

//remove duplicate elements in the list of alternatives
func (r Eps) noDups() RE {
    return r

func (r Phi) noDups() RE {
    return r

func (r Letter) noDups() RE {
    return r

func (r Alt) noDups() RE {
    xs := []RE{}
    for _, e := range r {
        xs = append(xs, e.noDups())
    return (Alt)(nub(xs))

func (r Seq) noDups() RE {
    return (Seq)([2]RE{r[0].noDups(), r[1].noDups()})

func (r Kleene) noDups() RE {
    return r

// exhaustive simplification
func simp(r RE) RE {
    var y RE
    x := r.rightAssoc().flatten().noDups()
    if r.pretty() == x.pretty() {
        y = x
    } else {
        y = simp(x)
    return y

func testRegEx() {
    var c Letter = Letter('c')
    eps := (Eps)(1)
    phi := (Phi)(1)
    r1 := (Alt)([]RE{eps, phi})
    r2 := (Seq)([2]RE{c, r1})

    fmt.Printf("%b \n", (r2.deriv('c')).nullable())

func matcher(r RE, s string) bool {
    var b bool
    if len(s) == 0 {
        b = r.nullable()
    } else {
        r2 := r.deriv(s[0])
        b = matcher(r2, s[1:len(s)])
    return b


func testRegEx2() {
    x := Letter('x')
    r := (Seq)([2]RE{(Seq)([2]RE{x, x}), x})

    fmt.Printf("%s \n", simp(r).pretty())

func testRegEx3() {
    x := Letter('x')
    r := (Alt)([]RE{(Alt)([]RE{x, x}), x})

    fmt.Printf("%s \n", r.pretty())

func testRegEx4() {
    x := Letter('x')
    r := (Kleene)([1]RE{x})

    fmt.Printf("%s \n", r.pretty())

    r1 := simp(r.deriv('x'))

    fmt.Printf("%s \n", r1.pretty())

    r2 := simp(r1.deriv('x'))

    fmt.Printf("%s \n", r2.pretty())

    r3 := simp(r2.deriv('x'))

    fmt.Printf("%s \n", r3.pretty())

func main() {
