The Rust programming language

Martin Sulzmann

The Rust programming language

Variables, functions and type inference


fn inc(x : i32) -> i32 {
    return x+1;

Local type inference

fn inc2(x : i32) -> i32 {
    let y : i32 = x;       // Local variables
    return y+1;

fn inc3(x : i32) -> i32 {
    let y = x;             // Type inference for local variables
    return y+1;

Variables are immutable by default

fn inc4(x : i32) -> i32 {
    let y = x;             // Variables are immutable by default
    y = y + 1;             // Yields compiler error "cannot assign twice to immutable variable `y`"
    return y;

Mutable variables must be declared explicitly

fn inc5(x : i32) -> i32 {
    let mut y = x;
    y = y + 1;             // Mutable variables must be declared explicitly
    return y;

“Lambda” functions (aka closures)

fn lambda1() {
    let one = 1;
    let inc = |x : i32| -> i32 { let y = x+one; return y; };

Closures take ownership

fn lambda2() {
    let add = |x : i32, y : i32| -> i32 { return x + y; };

    // Multiple arguments. Type inference for return types.
    let plus = |x : i32|  { return move |y : i32|  { return x + y; }; };


Runnable code

Link to Rust playground


Rust has call-by-value semantics like C++. For managing heap allocated memory, Rust uses a C++ style copy/move semantics. The difference to C++ is that the Rust compiler checks that there cannot be any memory violations.

Strings are allocated on the heap

fn str(x : String)  {

fn test1() {
    let s = String::from("12345");

Ownership transfer

fn test2() {
    let s = String::from("12345");
    str(s);  // Compiler error "use of moved value: `s`"

Ownership types

Rust uses a refined type system to carry out ownership checks.

fn test2() {
    let s = String::from("12345");   // s : String_Owner
    str(s);                          // s : String_Not_Owner
    str(s);                          // Type error invalid access of s

Cloning and borrowing

Like in C++, we can explicitly apply the copy semantics by using the clone method.

fn test3() {
    let s = String::from("12345");  // s : String_Owner
    let s2 = s.clone();             // s2 : String_Owner

Always cloning an object seems overkill. In particular, if only require read access like in case of function str.

There is a way out here.

fn strB(x : &String)  {             // "borrow" Annotation

fn test4() {
    let s = String::from("12345");
    strB(&s);                       // "borrow" Annotation

Borrow annotations guarantee that the object can only be read.

fn strB2(x : &String)  {
    x.push('a');           // Yields compiler error

fn str3(x : String)  {
    let mut y = x;
    y.push('a');          // Okay

Runnable code

Link to Rust playground

Short summary

Data types and pattern matching in Rust

We show how to implement a stack-based virtual machine (VM) to support a simple expression language.

VM codes

We first consider the virtual machine. We make use of Rust enums to represent VM code.

pub enum OpCode {
    PUSH {
        val : i32

Rust enums can take arguments (identified via a label/attribute name).

VM interpreter

We write an interpreter where we make use of Rust vectors to (a) represent a sequence of VM instructions (codes) and (b) represent the stack to carry out the computation of VM instructions.

fn is_some<T>(x : Option<T>) -> T {
    match x {
        Some(v) => { return v; }
        _ => { panic!(); }

fn run(op_codes : &Vec<OpCode>) -> i32 {

    let mut st = Vec::new();

    for op in op_codes.iter() {
        match op {
            OpCode::PUSH { val } => { st.push(*val); }
            OpCode::PLUS => {
                match st.pop() {
                    Some(v_right) => {
                        match st.pop() {
                            Some(v_left) => { st.push(v_left+v_right); }
                            _ => { panic!(); }
                    _ => { panic!(); }

            OpCode::MULT => {
                // Shorter code using the helper function.
                let v_right = is_some(st.pop());
                let v_left = is_some(st.pop());

    let res = is_some(st.pop());
    return res;

Optional data type

The vector data type acts like a stack by using operations push and pop.

A pop operation either yields some result or none.

Pattern matching

We can observe the various shapes a data type can have by using a form of pattern matching.

Consider the helper function

fn is_some<T>(x : Option<T>) -> T {
    match x {
        Some(v) => { return v; }
        _ => { panic!(); }

where the option type is defined as follows

pub enum Option<T> {
    Some { val : T},

The pattern cases connected to a match expression allows us to observe the various shapes of values.

For example, the pattern case

        Some(v) => { return v; }

applies if there is “some” value. Pattern variable v refers to the underlying value.

The pattern case _ refers to a “don’t care” pattern and always applies.

Keep in mind that pattern cases are tried in textual order (from top to bottom). Hence, the don’t care case always comes last.


fn test_vm() {
    let mut os = Vec::new();
    os.push(OpCode::PUSH{ val : 1 });
    os.push(OpCode::PUSH{ val : 2 });
    os.push(OpCode::PUSH{ val : 3 });

    println!("{}", run(&os));

Expression data types

Next, we consider expressions that are composed of integers, addition and multiplication. We again make use of Rust enums to represent the abstract syntax of our expression language. What abstract means will be explained shortly.

pub enum Exp {
    Int {
        val: i32
    Plus {
        left: Box<Exp>,
        right: Box<Exp>
        left: Box<Exp>,
        right: Box<Exp>

Rust enums are a well-known concept and commonly referred to as algebraic data types.

For example, the expression 1 * (2 + 3) can be represented as follows

    let e2 = Exp::Mult{left : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 1 }),
                      right : Box::new(Exp::Plus{left : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 2 }),
                                                 right : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 3})})};

In terms of some concrete syntax written 1 * (2 + 3) where where parentheses are necessary to capture the precedence among (sub)expressions.

In the abstract syntax representation we use Rust enum constructors Int, Plus and Mult and parentheses are omitted.

Expression evaluation via pattern matching

We make use of pattern matching to implement an evaluator for our expressions.

fn eval(e : &Exp) -> i32 {
    match e {
      Exp::Int { val } => return *val,
      Exp::Plus { left, right } => return eval(left) + eval(right),
      Exp::Mult { left, right } => return eval(left) * eval(right),

The second case Exp::Plus { left, right } refers to an expression that is composed using + where (pattern) variables left and right refer to the operands.


fn test_exp() {

    // 1 + (2 * 3)
    let e = Exp::Plus{left : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 1 }),
                      right : Box::new(Exp::Mult{left : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 2 }),
                                                 right : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 3})})};

    println!("{}", eval(&e));

    // 1 * (2 + 3)
    let e2 = Exp::Mult{left : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 1 }),
                      right : Box::new(Exp::Plus{left : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 2 }),
                                                 right : Box::new(Exp::Int { val : 3})})};

    println!("{}", eval(&e2));



We write a compiler from Exp to VM instructions (Vec<OpCode>).

fn compile(e : &Exp) -> Vec<OpCode> {
    match e {
        Exp::Int { val } => {
            let mut os = Vec::new();
            os.push(OpCode::PUSH { val : *val });
            return os;
        Exp::Plus { left, right } => {
            let mut o1 = compile(left);
            let mut o2 = compile(right);
            o1.append(&mut o2);
            let mut o3 = Vec::new();
            o1.append(&mut o3);
            return o1;
      Exp::Mult { left, right } => {
            let mut o1 = compile(left);
            let mut o2 = compile(right);
            o1.append(&mut o2);
            let mut o3 = Vec::new();
            o1.append(&mut o3);
            return o1;

Complete source code

The complete source can be found here.

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Traits for cloning

struct Square {
    x : i32

fn area_sq(s : Square) -> i32 {
    return s.x * s.x;

fn sq_test() {
  let s = Square{ x : 2 };

  let s2 = s.clone();
  println!("{}", area_sq(s2));
  println!("{}", area_sq(s));

Traits for cloning and copying

struct Rectangle {
    x : i32,
    y : i32

fn area_rec(r : Rectangle) -> i32 {
    return r.x * r.y;

fn rec_test() {
  let r = Rectangle{ x : 2, y : 4 };

  let r2 = r;
  println!("{}", area_rec(r2));
  println!("{}", area_rec(r));

More on traits

Traits describe a collection of methods that share the same type.

Via some clever sugared syntax, Rust makes them look like “objects”.

Geometric objects examples

trait Shape {
    fn area(s : &Self) -> i32;

impl Shape for Rectangle {
    fn area(r : &Rectangle) -> i32 {
        return r.x * r.y;

impl Shape for Square {
    fn area(s : &Square) -> i32 {
     return s.x * s.x;

Summing up the area of two geometric objects.

fn sum_area<A:Shape,B:Shape>(x : &A, y : &B) -> i32 {
   return Shape::area(x) + Shape::area(y);

fn test_area() {
    let r = Rectangle{x : 1, y : 2};
    let s = Square{x : 3};



Traits - syntactic sugar for method calls

Rust introduces some syntactic sugar to make look method calls “nicer”.

Here’s the above example written using Rust’s “method” notation.

trait Shape2 {
    fn area2(&self) -> i32;

impl Shape2 for Rectangle {
    fn area2(&self) -> i32 {
        return self.x * self.y;

impl Shape2 for Square {
    fn area2(&self) -> i32 {
     return self.x * self.x;

fn sum_area2<A:Shape2,B:Shape2>(x : &A, y : &B) -> i32 {
   return x.area2() + y.area2();

fn test_area2() {
    let r = Rectangle{x : 1, y : 2};
    let s = Square{x : 3};



Traits are not types

Traits may seem like interfaces but they are not.

In Rust, we can represent interfaces via dynamic traits.

fn sum_area3(x : Box<dyn Shape2>, y : Box<dyn Shape2>) -> i32 {
    return x.area2() + y.area2();

fn test_area3() {
    let r = Box::new(Rectangle{x : 1, y : 2});
    let s = Box::new(Square{x : 3});


Complete source code

The complete source can be found here.

Link to Rust playground


We have seen:

How to describe Rust?

Rust = Haskell with deterministic memory management

Learn Haskell!

Makes it easier to comprehend Rust (and other languages such as Go, …).